There has been a debate on the exact percentage of the world opium supply that comes from Afghanistan but the different articles your favorite child of the frozen water from the sky has seen goes roughly from 70% to 90%. This raw Opium is then purchased by representatives of the people who truly control the world and the underworld. This Raw Opium is then turned into top of the line pure Heroin or "White China" which is sent from countries/islands off the Atlantic to places like and mostly New York and Miami and then "stepped on" aka "cut" meaning an additional substance of the distributors choosing is added to lower the quality and raise the profit margin. White China even when cut can hit the 90% purity range which is remarkable. This type of heroin is only found on the eastern part of the USA and they know how to use it being that's all they get if they choose to use.
Now here in California the pure opium is sent to islands off the pacific and places in Asia where a small amount of Opium is still produced although I would thing the power that the Afghan Drug Lords have most likely stopped them from producing much. Regardless this Pure Heroin is then sent to Mexico and turned into either a Brown powder or what we all know and have seen Black Tar or as I used to call it and now many do "BLEEZY"
This is what we Californians see and is brought to us from Mexico so the more south you go the more pure the black tar you will find. From what I have read though black tar heroin reaches a peak pure percentage of 10% maybe 20% but I HIGHLY doubt it. and if the dealer themselves knows how to cut it we are talking like 5% of real heroin in that lil blob you buy from your local street pharmacist.
Now to the whole point of this blog. EVERY TIME...and i mean EVERY! TIME You purchase Heroin you are helping AL-QAEDA ya the terrorist organization that is over there KILLING US troops, people defend OUR country and way of life not to mention some FRIENDS OF MINE! when i found this out i was disgusted and and I make sure every person i know that still uses the subtance that they are supporting the enemy and let them know if Friend Mr. X who is in the military might die because of the money they are getting from their opium/heroin sales.
I have gotten the same response over and over again , "I'm not the one giving them money it is the people up top giving them the money which buys them more weapons and better weapons" which is a bullshit answer because either they are ignorant or just in denial of the trickle down effect explained a lot in politics recently which explains when those with large amounts of $$$ spend money it "trickles down" to the lower classes by different ways and means.
Those BIG SPENDERS would not be dropping those big dollars unless they had the people to buy that they have to sell. its nothing more than simple "SUPPLY & DEMAND" and its basic fundamentals, the higher the demand the more supply will be produced to meet that demand. when the supply is more than the demand for the product the price will drop dramatically in order to entice new customers.
FOR EXAMPLE: Let us take heroin in the Coachella Valley. Let us be even MORE PRECISE and talk Palm Springs. Less than 2 years ago a gram of black tar heroin in the city of Palm Springs cost you no less than $100 USD and if I were to make a phone call to the same street pharmacy technician (if he didn't get his life on track & leave this bs lifestyle behind which I am SO PROUD of him got doing so) the price of the same amount 1 gram 1/0g on your average scale is going for the average price of $60 USD hell sometimes $50 USD. now in less than 2 years, IF you know the dynamics of supply and demand put the pieces of the puzzle together. The supply has either A) not changed or B) risen to meet the new demand which if AGAIN if you haven't noticed is up from 2 years ago by 200%-300% causing an almost 50% drop in price. This is to me unfuckinbelievable., I know FOR A FACT there are heroin users under the age f 18 as young as 16 EVEN 15. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! of course ZERO drug users would be a dream but this is a dream that will never happen but 16 years old using one of the most hardcore drugs in existence is just not right. IMO if someone is going to make the decision to use heroin be at minimum 18 years old where atleast you should know a lil bit about WTF you are getting yourself into.
Palm Springs has a heroin EPIDEMIC on its hand and if they do not crack down on it quick.... i mean I have already said it. A 200% increase in users in less than 2 will be the increase in another 2 years or 5 years? Not only is the rate of drug use and overdose increase but the crime rate, murder rate and EVERYTHING connected to drug use and the Drug Game. this ex-user has been in the game on both sides and is happy to have been out of active addiction for 6 months and counting.
MC Snow out!
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